If you are eligible for a bulk billed appointment and wish to request a bulk billed appointment, please call/email the practice or click on the link below
Request a Bulk Billed Appointment
Bulk Billing Policy for GP Services
For Face-to-Face consults:
- You are eligible for a bulk billed face-to-face consult if you have a valid Medicare card.
For Telehealth/Phone consults:
You are eligible for a bulk billed Telehealth/Phone consult if you have a valid Medicare card, and one or more of the following circumstances apply to you–
- You require a Telehealth/Phone consult (not longer than 10 mins) AND you have visited Petersham Family Medical Centre in person for at least one face-to-face service from any health professional at the practice in the previous 12 months. (If you are unsure, please call (02) 95608207 or email the practice and we will confirm this attendance).
- You need an urgent after-hours telehealth consult during unsociable afterhours period – 11 pm through to 8 am weekdays, hours outside of 8 am and 12 noon Saturdays and all day Sundays and public holidays.
- You need a consult to access mental health services.
- You are homeless because you are going through an extreme form of poverty due to the inadequacy of income, health care supports and social supports.
- The service is for a child under the age of 12 months.
- You are a patient of a medical practitioner at an Aboriginal Medical Service or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.
- You need a consult relating to blood borne viruses, sexual or reproductive health.
- People isolating because of a COVID-related State or Territory public health order, or in COVID-19 quarantine because of a State or Territory public health order.
- People affected by natural disaster, defined as living in a local government area declared a natural disaster by a State or Territory government.