This is a test post in blog of PFMC website
This is a test post in blog of PFMC website
For Telehealth/Phone consults:
You are eligible for a bulk billed Telehealth/Phone consult with one of the above doctors provided: 1) you have a valid Medicare card, and 2) one or more of the following circumstances apply to you–
For Face-to-Face consults:
For face-to-face consults, the following categories of patients are bulk billed –
Click on this link – Bulk Billing Criteria for GP Services to check your eligibility before requesting a bulk billed appointment by email. If you are eligible and you DO wish to request a bulk billed appointment by email, please click on the link below –
Request a Bulk Billed Appointment
Click on this link – Eligibility Criteria for WorkCover Consults to check your eligibility before requesting a WorkCover consultation by email. If you are eligible and you DO wish to request a WorkCover consultation by email, please click on the link below.
If you wish to request a WorkCover consultation by email, you will need to provide us with ALL of the following information:
Employer details –
Insurer details –
If you cannot provide us with the details listed above, and attach evidence of your eligibility, we unfortunately are not able to give you an appointment for a WorkCover consult with one of our WorkCover doctors unless you pre-pay for the consult.